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Safari Kids Education - Dolphin Programme ©

The Safari Kids Education - Dolphin Programme © focuses on the theme of Connection, using sound child development principles and theories for children aged between 5-8 years old. Safari Kids Education acknowledges that by effectively establishing a connection to themselves, their environment and to others, your child will begin to realise their individual potential, talents and abilities.

As Maria Montessori said "Free a child's potential and you will transform him into the world" By tapping into and using the Safari Kids Education - Dolphin Programme © activity sheets and products, you will enable your child to effectively develop this theme of connection. You will assist them in understanding a connection to themselves, their environments and others, in terms of their physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects.

Safari Kids Education - Dolphin Programme © Activity Sheets

Click on the five tabs below to discover more about each activity sheet set.

My Approach

I work with people to help them achieve genuine wellbeing and satisfaction in their lives. I believe that as human beings we have the capacity within ourselves to self-heal and that we need a gentle guide to assist us with this uncovering. I work in collaboration with people using a pluralistic approach. Judgement and advice are not part of therapy, I seek to empower and support you to find your own solution. I will help you establish your goals for counselling which will include regular reviews. Confidentiality is paramount.

Areas Covered

Anger, Anxiety, Bereavement, Loss, Grief, Communication problems, Conflict, Depression, Relationships, Self-Confidence, EPA, Stress, Couples Counselling to mention but a few.

Contact Me

  • Activity sheet 1-Safari Kids Education-Dolphin Programme’s logo is the Dolphin and it signifies the theme of connection, you can colour this logo.
  • Activity sheet 2-is a template of a family tree that you and your child can fill in after discussion about the people in your child’s family.
  • Activity sheet 3-is a Dolphin mandala (a sanskrit word meaning circle). It can be used as an effective meditation technique that promotes a greater consciousness, awareness, relaxation and calming effect for your child. You use it by simply colouring the design in.

The Physical aspect introduces the child to a Physical Connection to themselves, their environment and others in terms of exercise and healthy eating. It is important that your child understands the benefits of physical exercise and leading a healthy lifestyle. These three activity sheets focus on this physical connection.

  • Activity Sheet 4-The Safari Kids Education-Dolphin Programme Physical Activity Contract© ensures your child will commit to doing some physical activity and eating healthy everyday. There are a number of challenges to be completed over a week on this contract.
  • Activity Sheet 5- is a fun discussion and colouring worksheet that identifies different activities your child can learn about.
  • Activity Sheet 6-is a word search where your child will have to identify different parts of their body.

The Emotional aspect introduces your child to an Emotional Connetion Studies have proven that children who are brought up aware of their emotions and feelings have a more positive outlook, a greater self confidence amd a higher emotinal IQ. These three activity sheets focus on developing this emotional connection.

  • Activity Sheet 7-is a very effective tool to enable your child to identify how they are feeling.
  • Activity Sheet 8-is a Yoga information sheet introducing you to four basic Yoga poses
  • Activity Sheet 9-is a drawing activity where your child gets an opportunity to draw different facial expressions.

The Intellectual aspect introduces your child to an Intellectual Connetion We all want our children to learn new understandings and skills at their own pace and in their own way and then develop the ability to be creative and imaginative. The Safari Kids Education-Dolphin Programme© considers the intellectual aspect of the child as the corner stone of development. This aspect lays the foundations and is instrumental in development of all the other aspects of your child. Piaget one of the great child development theorists is quoted as saying “The principle goal of education should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” These three activity sheets focus on an intellectual connection and enhance your child’s creativity and imagination from a fun and exciting perspective.

  • Activity Sheet 10-This activity will offer your child the opportunity to be creative through writing a story on the template provided.
  • Activity Sheet 11-This is an activity where your child has a chance to use their imagination through creating a collage using the Safari Dolphin Sunburst Template
  • Activity Sheet 12-This Sudoku puzzle will enhance your child ability to logically think about numbers.

The Social aspect introduces your child to a Social Connetion The Social aspect of your child is something all parents seek to develop so that your child will be able to effectively interact with others and develop an interdependance that will stand to them for the rest of their lives. These three activity sheets focus on a social connection.

  • Activity Sheet 13-This is an activity that offers your child an opportunity to make a Safari Kids Education Friendship Scroll
  • Activity Sheet 14-This activity enables your child to go back to the old fashioned way of communication and building a social connection by writing and posting a Safari Kids Education Postcard to someone special
  • Activity Sheet 15-This activity provides your child with the knowledge of four old playground games that they can try out with their friends.

Safari Kids Education - Lion Programme ©

The Safari Kids Education - Lion Programme © focuses on the theme of Empowerment, using sound child development principles and theories for children aged between 9-12 years old. Safari Kids Education acknowledges that by establishing a conscious sense of inner empowerment to themselves and their environment your child will continue to develop their individual potential, talents and abilities.

By tapping into and using the Safari Kids Education - Lion Programme's activity sheets and products, you will enable your child to effectively develop this theme of inner empowerment towards themselves and their environments, in terms of their physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects.

Safari Kids Education - Lion Programme © Activity Sheets

Click on the five tabs below to discover more about each activity sheet set.

  • Activity Sheet 1-Safari Kids Education-Lion Programme’s logo is the Lion which signfies the theme of empowerment and this activity offers you the chance to colour in the Safari Lion.
  • Activity Sheet 2-is a Safari Kids Education Chill Out Banner for your child to print out, colour and hang on their door when they are chilling out.

The Physical aspect introduces the child to a sense of Physical Empowerment towards themselves and their environment in terms of physical exercise and healthy eating. It is important that your child continues to understand the importance of a healthy eating and physical exercise programme.

  • Activity Sheet 3-The Safari Kids Education-Lion Programme Receipe Cards© offer your child an opportunity to create their own healthy eating receipe booklet that they will be able to cook up when they want some healthy exciting dishes to eat.
  • Activity Sheet 4-The Safari Kids Education Activity and Exercise Planner© enables your child to create their own physical activity and exercise programmes that empowers them to keep fit and healthy.

The Emotional aspect introduces your child to a sense of Emotional Empowerment Studies continue to prove that children who are brought up, not only aware of their emotions, feelings and inner understandings but who are also taught to manage them effectively have a greater ability to suceed in life from a more calm and confident perspective. These activities below aim to assist your child develop a greater sense of emotional empowerment.

  • Activity Sheet 5-This activty sheet informs you and your child about meditation and its benefits with a suggested meditation activity you can both try
  • Activity Sheet 6- This activity shows you and your child how to make a Safari Kids Education Chillout Pillow that they can use while meditating or relaxing

The Intellectual aspect introduces your child to a sense of Intellectual Empowerment Intellectual development like all aspects of the child is a continual process that must be nurtured and stimulated right throughout life. As Maria Montessori says “Learning is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences and activities in the environment.” These activities are designed to assist in the continued unfolding of your child’s creativity and imagination processes in terms of intellectual development

  • Activity Sheet 7-this activity enables your child to continue to use their creativity to become an author and write a book using our Safari Write a Book Template
  • Activity Sheet 8-this activity offers your child the opportunity to be imaginative and creative by deciding on their own colour codes and colour in a hidden image on the activity sheet

The Social aspect introduces your child to an Social Empowerment According to Erik Erikson in his Eight Stages of Development Theory, the child comes to a point where he learns to master the more formal skills of life such as:

  1. Relating with peers according to rules
  2. Progressing from free play to play that may be elaborately structured by rules and may demand formal teamwork, such as baseball and
  3. Mastering social studies, reading and arithmetic. This is where Safari Kids Education perceives your child is at during the Lion Programme stage and we use the theme of Empowerment, Erik Erikson referred to it as Competence, with themselves and their environment. The activities below are designed to assist in the effective continued development of your child’s social empowerment.
  • Activity Sheet 9-this game of charades enables your child to express themselves and interact with others.
  • Activity Sheet 10-this detective game enables your child to interact and cooperate with others.

Safari Kids Education - Eagle Programme ©

The Safari Kids Education - Eagle Programme © focuses on the theme of Inspiration, using sound child development principles and theories for teenagers aged between 13-17 years old.

Safari Kids Education acknowledges that you, as a teenager are now free to become inspired to follow your own life path in order to reach your individual potential, talents and abilities. Being inspired, means that you are able to:

  • focus,
  • organise,
  • plan and
  • reflect

on how your are directing your life. One of the greatest misunderstandings about being inspired is that you simply go with the flow and see where it takes you. This statement needs qualification because it's only when you are focused and organised with a plan that you can go with the flow, in the truest sense of the phrase.

You need to put every effort into organisng your life but remember the ultimate organisor is nature so if things don't go according to your plan, then the ability to accept and reflect needs to be implemented. By tapping into and using the Safari Kids Education - Eagle Programme's templates and products, you are enabled to become inspired to follow your life path.

Free Templates

Click on the five tabs below to discover more about each activity sheet set.

  • Template 1-Safari-Eagle Programme’s logo is the Eagle and it signfies the theme of Inspiration-remember you’re never to old to enjoy the simple activities in life such as colouring. So go on download our Safari Eagle Template and have fun designing a colour scheme!!!
  • Template 2-is a discusssion on goal setting. There is also a Safari Goal Setting Template for you to use when you want to set a goal in your life and ensure it follows the SMART approach.
  • Template 3-notes the importance of organisation and time management skills and includes a Safari To Do List for you to identify what you need to do on a daily basis in all apects of your life.
  • Template 4 - identifies how to set a plan in place using our Safari Study Plan Template.
  • Template 5-Focusing, organinsing and planning are all fundamental abilities you need to implement in order to inspire your life. However, we often overlook the importance of reflecting regularly on how things are going in your life. This template briefly discusses what reflection is and includes a Safari Reflection Chart that enabled you to reflect on all apects of your life to discover whats going well for you and what you may need to adjust in order to continue to be inspired.

Safari Kids Education - Treasure Trail Programme ©

Once you have made your child or teenager aware of the Safari 3 Step Programme you can download our Safari Kids Education - Budget Sheet © to enable your child or teenager to become more aware of their weekly and monthly income and expenditure habits.

As Zig Zigular says "Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the "gotta have it" scale."

The Safari Kids Education - Treasure Trail Programme © offers children and teenagers an exceptional and unique opportunity to learn about financial literacy and principles; they can then apply their new financial knowledge and awareness by using our free activity sheets and specifically designed products.

What is the Safari kids Education - Treasure Trail Programme ©

The skill of understanding how to manage money is known as financial literacy. Teaching your child about financial literacy from a practical perspective is one of the most important skills that we can offer them. As Benjamin Franklin says "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest".

The Safari Kids Education - Treasure Trail Programme © is a simple 3 step process that is based on the idea of multiplying by dividing, by using the time honoured principles of:

  1. Paying yourself first,
  2. Honouring your debt and
  3. Prioritising the remainder of your income so you can spend wisely.

Your child or teenager will develop lifelong effective financial management skills as well as an appreciation for the value of money and a wealth consciousness. *Please note there are parents who disagree with giving a weekly allowance to their children, however, some regular weekly allowance is necessary for your child or teenager to receive in order to put the Safari Kids Education - 3 Step Treasure Trail programme © into practice.

The 3 Steps:

  • Step 1: Once you receive your income i.e. pocket money/gifts etc-always pay yourself first! Using approximately 10% divide it into what we call the 3 S's i.e. Sharing, Saving and Seed funds.
    • Sharing fund enables you to provide for those less fortunate e.g. charities etc.
    • Saving fund enables you to provide for personal long term saving.
    • Seed fund enables you to provide for the opportunity to create a passive or investment income in time to come.
  • Step 2: The next step after you pay yourself is to honour your debt/commitments! The ideal in life is to aim for no debt at all. However, this is rarely possible and so it is a good idea to create a commitment your child or teenager will have to contribute to weekly such as a direct debit scheme. For example, my four children have a direct debit jar where each week they all commit to putting in 50c and as it accumulates they agree on something to buy together. It is an effective way of instilling discipline through regular payments and so honouring their debt/commitment.
  • Step 3: Next step after honouring your debt is to prioritise the reminder of your income so you can spend it wisely! This is the stage at which you can decide to create further short term funds such as an outing fund for upcoming trips or holidays or for ongoing expenses such as phone credit, treats, DVDs etc.

There you have it, Safari Kids Education - Simple 3 Step Treasure Trail Programme © that is guaranteed once committed to and followed regularly to create financially astute children and teenagers who will evolve into financially literate and responsible adults with a wealth consciousness. Use this programme in conjunction with our Safari Treasure Trail activity sheets and products for optimal results!

Safari Kids Education - Treasure Trail Programme © Free Templates

Click on the five tabs below to discover more about each activity sheet set.

  • Download 1-enables your child to work out a budget sheet
  • Download 2-Print off for step 1 Safari Name Tags for their three separate jars
  • Download 3-Print off for step 2 Safari Name Tags for their Direct Debit Jar
  • Download 4-Print off for step 3 Safari Name Tag for Short Term Funds
  • Activity Sheet 1-challenges your child to gain an understanding of the Euro Coin currency
  • Activity Sheet 2-further develops your child’s understanding of the Euro Coin and Notes currency
  • Activity Sheet 3-enables your child to buy products and total their spending

Safari Kids Education-Treasure Trail Programme © 52 Week Saving Challenge!

Why not try our Safari 52 Week Saving Challenge!

Choose the 52 week saving challenge template that best suits your child's financial ability from the templates below and follow through each week by putting the required amount of money away.

The benefits of committing to this 52 week saving challenge for your child are improved:

  • Discipline
  • Patience
  • Record Keeping skills
  • Decision Making skills
  • Planning skills